List of changes

24/10/98 - PernAngband 2.9.9a
- Added the DragonRider from the Anne McCaffrey's Books , masters of
- The CTRL+l key leave the game without saving
- Added the Tanker point, like the mana point , but can only be refilled
by eating the Firestone(for the DragonRider)
- Added the Rohan's Knight race , fast and wise
- Added the Ent race , can grow trees , though but slow
- Removed some race from Zangband
- Added the BeastMaster class which can summon some pet
- Added the Blood of Life
- DragonRider now can choose to breathe bolt beam or ball
- Added the Unique level patch from Glenn Vanzanden
- Added the Mage Staff , with new ego item:
-of Mana : multiply your max mana
-of Spell : Increase your spell power
-of Mana & Spell : try to find !:)
-of Power : Activale for some spell, they cary 2 spell
All the ego mage staffs have a penality to damage and to hit
- Added The Mage Staff of Gandalf , extremly powerful but even more rare than
the One Ring !
- Added the boots of jumping activable for phase door every 10+d10 turns
- Added Helm of the Dwarves and of the Noldor
- Beastmaster's pet now give experience to the player
- Added the Alchemist class which use the power bateries to convert magic item
- New unique level : Treasure room at level 11
- Replaced the Trump Hound form the Trump realm by the Trump Home spell , which
allows the player to access to her/his home from everywhere in the dungeon
- Added the new artifact The Ring of F'lar , which is belonging to F'lar the
powerful DragonRider

- Added the Potion of Mutation
- Warrior-Mage now can choose Sorcery instead of Arcane
- Invisibility , Potion of Invisibility , Ring of Invisibility and
The One Ring has now invisibility like in the Lord Of The Rings !!!
- Added the parchement from Kamband

- Ported PernAngband to the new Zangband 2.2.0
- Added the mimic class
- Some Zangband bugs are fixed
- The DragonRider can now only teleport on known terrain , because they must
mentaly show the destination to their dragons but to do this they MUST
have seen the destination before(like in the Anne McCaffrey books) !
- The Ringwraiths are come back !
- Some Unique like Bert,Tom,Bill are come back, while other(gandalf , fangorn)
have gone!
- Morgoth and Sauron are come back as the final quests

01/11/98 - PernAngband 3.0.0
- All reference to zangband have been removed
- Added the monster's corpses
- Added the Beastmaster Shanty for the beastmaster, the Mimic Tower for the Mimic
And the Weaver Tower , where you can ask for corpse quests
- The corpse quests require from you to bring back to the weaver some corpse,
head,... of a kind of monster, and you'll get a reward, like maybe
the full knowledge about this monster, or some armor made with the corpse
(maybe dragon scale mail for dragon, ...)
- Added sensibility to fire, for the Ents! They take twice more damage from
fire, but it's hopefully canceled by resist fire.
- Changed some artifacts / uniques monster to be more pernese
- Added a new armor type : the DragonRider flying suit[9,+0] resist fire/cold
- New monster flag : PET , the monster is your pet when it's created
- Added the army man which use the PET flag will be used to give you an army
in some future quest.

- The exe file is now pernang.exe(in the dos version)
- Remplaced the AMBERITE monster flag by the DRAGONRIDER flag
- Some Unique will have the PET flag so they will help you !
- All the Amberite are now gone and replaced by Some DragonRider races or Unique
with some of them friendly to you !
- Can sell the Mage staffs in the Weapon smith and Magic shop.
- Now when an alchemist try to extract a power from an item if he can't
it won't show up again in the extractable list the next time
- The DragonRider must eat more because of their dragon
- The Troll Fortress quest
- Added The Battle of the five armies quest !!!

- Nature spell : Stop breeders
- New ego item sword of life , it multiply your max hitpoints
- Now some Mimic forms give you some bonus to blows per round like the Vala:
+5 blows !!!
- Added a new Unique : The Philosophy Teacher !
- Pink horrors are replaced with 2 Blue horrors when they die
- Bloodletters of Khorne drop a blade of chaos when they die
- Absorb light mutation bug fixed(I think)
- Vampires and vampire mimics no longer can get food in the inns.
- Renamed the artifacts with their real names
- Replaced the pattern by the Straight Road(idea from GSN-Band)
- Replaced the pattern weapons with weapons of Valinor(idea from GSN-Band)
- Player and monsters can't pass through the trees(unless the can fly:)
- When a Dragonrider die he gives the player some Firestone
- Added the Whip of Gothmog , which can be droped by Gothmog when killed
- Begin to add a new feature : the between
- Add a great description of the Ents and the Rohan's Knights from Akhronath

- The between is fully implemented now.
- The dimension door spell is replaced by the between gate.
It put a between gate at the player position and at the destination
location. And when you walk on the between you are transported on the other
between gate. But the between is SO cold that when you are in you lose some
hp even if resistant or immune to cold! Only the dragonrider can go between
without taking damage.
- Stolen The Stone of Lore from Oangband ! :)
- The monster can't use the between now because of a bug
- Now you can eat corpses and temporaly gain some of the powers of monsters !

- Add the boomerang, the player wears them instead of the bow and with the 'f'
command(like for the bow) throw them but them come back ... if they don't
break !
- Add 2 boomerangs artifacts
- Add another dragonrider artifacts belonging to Mardra
- Add The Anchor of Space-Time , it prevents from disrupting the space-time

- Add the carry slot in the equipement, to wield monsters that can't move !:)
- Repared a bug that unallow the dragonriders to be summonned
- Add a Neuter sex (for the neuter players :-)
- Add the Death Mold race (stolen from Kamband :-)

- Add in spell description the bonus of mages staff
- Add the scroll of summon never-moving pet for wielding them !:)
- When a monster is wielded it can attack monsters when you attack
It can sometimes attack the wielder too, because he/she is not in perfect
- Muar the blarog is come back and will drop Calris when killed
- Add the Symbiotic realm, like a life realm for your monster
- Add the Symbiant class which can be in perfect symbiosis with their monster

- The number of artifacts is now of 132
- Add some spells to the symbotic realm
- Add a spell to use the spells of the monster you wear
- Add a light-speed(nearly stop the time) spell
- Finished the Symbiotic realm, only two books because they can use their
monster's powers.

- Warriors can now spread their attack after level 34
- The experience factor of the races can now be > than 255
- the dragonRider need more experience to advance(+220%) because it's a REALY
powerfull race.
- The monster can now use the between but if they are not immune to cold they
will lose some hp
- Add an health bar for the monster you are carrying ( MH xxxxx/xxxxx )
- Add the sanity(from Kamband) ( the line SN xxxxx/xxxxx in the window)
- Stolen the aquatic monster from Kamband
- Add the Gods from Kamband and GSNBand
- The Philosophy Teacher now cause insanity !:)
- Now only the Symbiants can carry monsters in their inventory, in fact they
act like "living-books" !:)
- Add the Tactics from ADOM. You can change the tactic in the Character window
- Add a new town unique : Mathilde, the scientific student, she is in my class
she giggle all the time, don't kill her ! :)
- Fixed bug : The carried monster can't take damage made by himself !
- The Battle of the five armies now has a reward

20/11/98 - PernAngband 3.0.2
- Now there will be some between gate randomly placed in the levels
- If you are in great favor with your god he can resurect you

- Add the Random artifact from Kamband - They are junk items which can be
activated every turns and their activation is choosen randomly
- Fixed(I think) a bug in the unique levels
- Add a flooded level type(activate those levels in the PernAngband option)
to made the aquatic monsters more usefull
- Gandalf and Fangorn are come back as Friendly uniques
- Changed the Necklace of the Dwarves into The Nauglamir to be more Tolkien-like
- Changed The Serpent of the Chaos into Dark God, the Mighty coder of the Hell
- Reworked the corpse system(stolen from Rangband), now they all have a different
weight based on the monster weight. You can hack up the corpse with 'h'
and cure it with 'K'.

- Add a new Unique : The Physic Teacher !
- Changed the Town layout of Gondolin with the one made ky Akhronath
with 2 quests : Hunt for Eol and Maeglin's Mine
- Add a new Unique : Eol the Dark Elf
- Stolen the silly message when you hit a monster from Kamband

- Add a scroll of Craftmanship to enchant weapon's pval.
- The first 300 monsters have received a weight
- Add a new spell type : Indentify, now you can have a Ball of identification !
- Add a new set of object flags(mainly unused now :-)
- Add a NEVER_BLOW flag for object
- Add the NEVER_BLOW flag to The Mage Staff of Gandalf to rebalance it.
- Add a new ego item weapon : of Nothing (with the NEVER_BLOW flag) !! :)

- Add a
Harper(bard) class !!! they use the music books and the most part
of their spells are prolonged in time, ex: you cast a hidding song,
and for each turn you lose some mana(breath) while the effect(invisibility)
continu. If you start singing an other song the old one is stoped !:)
There is also a spell which cost no mana and which is used to stop singing.
- Stolen the Super Defender ego-item from Pziband
- Stolen the Spectral ego-item from Pziband

- Add the muscial instruments : you wear them in the bow slot and you can
activate them for a song. The longer the song last the longer it'll be
charging, you can stop the song be activating it when it sing.
- Finished the Harpers
- Now the Harper mana stat is Charisma !
- New Artifact : The Palantir of Minas Tirith, which can be activated for
the list of the uniques of the level !
- Added 3 new artifacts : The Harp of Master Robinton, The Drum of Piemur,
The Flute of Menolly
- Added the Micro$oft quest at Minas Anor
- Changed th niceness description of the gods
- The Harper and ONLY the harper can use a musical instrument without any
of failure.
- The wilderness size is now taken from misc.txt
- All the monsters have a weight now ... pfff, it was a lot of work !:)
- The Alchemists are easier to play
- Add the Vapor quest at Minas Anor
- Add the Rebellion in Gondolin(from Akhronath) quest at Gondolin

02/12/98 - PernAngband 3.0.4
- Changed certain god realm name on the sugestion of Akhronath
- Add the bounties list like in Kamband(OK, ok, stolen from Kamband:)
- Add the Fire-lizards, they are friendly
- New roguelike command : 'i' for hack up corpse, 'I' for curing meat, 'C'
for Sacrificing at altars

- Add the Power Mage class, like the Corrupted in Kamband, with 100 randomly
generated attack spells
- Corrected the character generation bug !!!! Thanks to Tim baker for the fix
- Corrected the segmentation fault bug for the object 653. Thanks to Tim baker
- Corrected the files.c bug in get_line(). Thanks to Tim baker
- Add the GF_DESTRUCTION type of attack to allow Power Mage to have destruction
- Changed the names of the songs, Thanks to Akhronath

- Add the Eggs, some monsters(only Firelizards for the moment) can be found
has eggs and will hatch after a certain amount of time based on the monster
weight, you can also stop the development by "activating" them( 'A' key),
or resume the development by activating them an other time.
- Add the last of the Gondolin's quest from Akhronath :
Invasion of Gondolin(Danger level 90, with some funny stuff like Gothmog,
Muar,..., some Great hell wyrm) !!!
- Fixed a bug which imply that when you drop your wielded monster you also
drop Nothing if you are not a Symbiant
- You can give the imprint to some monsters(Firelizards for now), when it has
been given the imprint they will follow you on each levels. They may not
appear on a certain level but they will be back for the next. To give the
imprint to a monster you must find an egg, carry it on you and when it'll
hatch you'll give it the imprint
- The Harper will begin the game with a Blue Firelizard egg

- The Black market now generate item based on your level
- Add a new shop : The Pet Shop where you can find some eggs

- Your god favor will go down when ti resurrect you
- Repared a stupid bug : I haven't coded the Satisfy Hunger effect of the
Symbiant class !:)
- Add the easy floor feature !!!
- Add an always small dungeon option
- The scrolls of Artifact Creation can now be used on rings and amulets

- The One Ring is now "just" heavy cursed !:)
- Add 3 new vaults

- Add the fate : you can be fated to meet some monsters or to find an object
on a certain level or ..... to DIE(very rare). You don't know your fate until
a soothsayer or a scroll of divination as show it to you. You also get a feeling
when you enter a level where your you will meet fate. In the further there
will be more fate, like finding a great vault, an artifact or even, as Murazor
the Witch-King of Angmar, to never die by the hand of a mortel !:)
- Changed Trump Weapon to Dragon Weapon
- Smeagol will now drop ......... A ring of invisibility(because the One Ring
would be a little too powerfull :)

- Remplaced the Amber notation in the player caracteristics by the old one
from Vanilla Angband
- When the player is on a tree he can be hit by a monster for half of the
normal damage
- Paladin and Priests are given a religion at the beginning
- In the wizard spoiler creation( A + " ) you can chose to make a spoiler for
- The random artifacts now have a charging time(no more mass genocide every turn)
- Add a Soothsayer at Bree
- Add the bateries of extra life, you can now make a sword of Life !

- The Alchemists are now better fighters, equal to the rangers
- New extremely powerfull power for the Alchemist(level 30 and higher) :
Artifact creation !
They just have to chose the flags, the name and to suffer the bad side effect
like curse equipment, permanent stat loss, high failure rate and ..... they
have their artifact ! But they can't give it an activation !
They can also add some bad flags(like cursed, drain exp, ...) to reduce the
chance of failure. Merry Christmas !:)
- Add the
Runecrafter class, they use runes instead of books(see birth.txt)
- Cleaned the Alchemist's code

27/12/98 - PernAngband 3.0.7
- Add(.... stolen from Sangband) the Pick of Erebor. It can be activated for
passing trought secret passage in the walls.
- The Potion of *Enlightment* now show every grid of the dungeon, like the
debug command 'u', I just think it's more beautiful :)
- WOOOOOOOH I'm sorry there was a BIG bug in the PernAngband 3.0.7 release.
The game was sometimes hanging without any solution to stop it !
After some hours of debuging I've found it, it resulted from the correction
of the bug of the glyph of warding! Now everything works(I hope)
- Change the titles of the Runecrafter with the proposition of Jonathan R Lewis
- Add TANG, The Angband Newbie Guide made by Chris Weisiger (
it's in the help directory

- Fixed a bug which allow the beastmasters to sing when they summon pets!
- Fixed the bug in the Fate screen
- Some cosmetic changes in the r_info.txt and birth.txt with the help of
Chris Weisiger (
- Add new ego-items for the musical instrument and the horn, there were
suggested by Akhronath
- New sentence to say for the speaking unique pets
- 4 new musical instrument artifacts from Akhronath and I'm happy to declare
there is 143 artifacts in PernAngband!
- Add, .... stolen, 5 new artifact from Angband/64

- Add the
quiver slot to wield your ammo
- A scroll of remove curse have 1 chance into 55-level to reverse the curse
effect ie: a ring of speed (-2) can become a ring of speed (+2)

- Add a new monster flag : MORTAL, which means that the monster is a mortal
being. It's used for the new fate :
Never to die by the hand of a mortal
. The orcs are considered mortal, but I'm not sure, it's not mentionned
in the silmarillion or the Lord of The Rings, the trolls are immortals along
with the dragons, BUT the Dragonriders are mortal and Dark God(Yes, let your
joy explode! :-). But well, don't be afraid your prefered monsters(Morgoth and
Sauron) are immortals :-)
PS: If someone thinks that a monster should or not be mortal just email me
because I'm not certain for some(ok, ok a lot of) monsters

- Add the ring of precognition which work as if the player had activated the
cheat mode(peek into object, monster, vault creation). There is no need
to say it's very rare :-)
- Add the black breath concept from Tolkien. Beware now of the weapons of morgul
they confers the black breath! The undeads can also give it.

- Changed the hapers ranking name, some races' history with the ones from
The One Ring is now A LOT more powerfull, because at the time you find it
you already have one or two immunities, your stats are near the max, plus
some other things that made it less usefull. Now it confers 5 blows, mana x5
spell power x5, after all Sauron has put the most part of his power in it.
I also plane to change the activation.
- Add 2 wands artifacts, The Wand of Stone to Mud of Thrain and the Wand of
Fire Balls of Mithrandir, they can be recharged at will and will never be
destroyed, for this purpose the new RECHARGE flags has been used(note :
it works only for the artifacts)

- The runecaster is a little more playable at low levels and starts with a
Rune [Arrow] and a Rune [Fire]

- The Chaos Warriors now get chaos resistance at level 25
- The Maia mimics get +7 speed, the Vala mimics get +15 speed
- Updated the Rebellion in Gondolin and Hunt for Eol quests with the help of
Akhronath (

- Reimplemented the old magic system from vanilla in complement to the new one
The old mage and priest are come back as the Wizard and the Prior

- Add susceptibilities to fire, cold, acid, lightning, poison for the monsters.
ie: Now a white dragon will take a x3 damage from a fire attack.
Thanks to Jerome Wojcik <> for his help.
- Add the pets command(press P) from Zangband 2.2.3
- Changed the Trump realm into the Dragon Realm(nearly just name changes)

- Changed the activation of the One Ring
- The One Ring is now Permanetly cursed
- The One Ring is no more aggravating because of it's new summoning ability
- It's now possible to run trough the grass

- Add the persistent dungeon option at birth
- When a breeder multiply it have a 7/100 chance of mutating into an other
monster(in general a worse) this would prevent monster farming abuse :)

- NEW : the
body changing feature! with a new class to use it. Your spirit
can leave your body to go into another one but while your spirit is alone
your max hp is of 1. When in the corpse of a monster your first blows are
the monster's one and you can use it's magical power. Your life is also
changed by the monster's one and you gain all it's abilities and resistances
while losing those of your real race because you have leaved your body.
- Add a lot of new vaults mainly from Weisiger <>

- Death Mold now can teleport on store entrance
- A new randart activation that fire light after absorbing the ambiant one

- Changed the Roguelike commands. Now ^G to sacrifice, $ to hack up a corpse
^O to Cure meat
- Updated the command.txt file
- Add he AB's gfx for the weapon/armor
Multiple dungeons : The old levels 1-33 are now in the Mirkwood forest with
trees and grass, 34-66 are the Land of Mordor with mountain, wall and dirt
67-127 are the Dungeon of Angband with wall and normal floor and occasionnaly
flooded levels(if choosen in the options).
The ability to levitate is now a GREAT advantage in the Mirkwood forest !
You can reach Mirkwood from Menegroth, Mordor from Minas Anor and Angband
from Gondolin. In the vanilla town there is the three stairs.
When you take a staircase down in the last level of a dungeon you come back
in town.

07/02/99 - PernAngband 3.0.9

- X in the roguelike mode for the pet commands
- Updated the magic.txt file with the new classes

- Updated version.txt, modified dungeon.txt
- Shelob is now a little bit more powerfull in order to make it the quest
monster of the last Mirkwood level.
- The Vanilla books are now sellable in the magic shop/temple and the bookstore

- New class : the
Sorcerer, they can't wield any weapon useless it's a Mage
Staff and with it they are the WORSE fighters of the game even bare-handed.
But to compensate this they are the BEST magical class : the can use any
book of any realm without having to learn the spell, but they also don't
gain any experience from casting a spell.
- Added the
susceptibilities flags to the monsters.

- Stolen the exploring system(like the tactic one) from Angband/64
- Fix the bug of vanilla town, now the vanila town flag is saved
- The Ent are rebalanced, they have a -9 speed penality
- Tweaked the Troll Fortress quest to make it less easy

- Corrected some bugs in the town files. The crashing wilderness bug
seem to be gone.

- Fixed the bug of the traps. No more grey "invisible traps" on a level
covered with grass, same for the dirt
- Updated the gondolin town and quest with the Akhronath's ones
Enabled the S-lang support
- A new script directory is in lib, it contain a file which indicate
every S-lang script files that must be loaded
- Add the
event's gestion to the slang script. An event is produced in certain
condition(like a keypress,...) and a script can put an handle on it to have
a function called each time the event happens. I've made a stupid example
that use the key 'y' to shout at the monsters.
PS: Take a look at slang.txt in the help directory
- Add the load/save function to the script

24/02/1999 - PernAngband 3.1.0

- I've finally successfully compiled
Python. So the S-Lang support is replaced
with the python one. The 'y' key and the thieves quest are there too.
- Stolen and modified from Pangband
- The random quest bug is fixed(maybe :). I say maybe because as for the
wilderness one it doesn't happens by me so I can't test it :(
- Today one of my dream have become true! With the help of a python script
I've made a
new quest for the DragonRiders that can be given at the Weyr
of Arda in Menegroth. You enter forest area and the only thing you can use
is the flame of your dragon(no magic, no wands, ...). And you need to
destroy every thread while saving at least 50% of the trees, and your own
flame can consume them!

- Yeah, the wilderness bug is now gone. And a minor bug which looks like the
the wilderness one is gone too. It happened when you try under certain
conditions to go in the wilderness with an imprinted pet.
- Fixed the random quest bug
- Fixed the inventory bug that when picking up an object said you have foo
in slot r and reorder it after that o the letter is no more r. I know it was
realy annoying but well it's now gone :)
The undead races now start at night

- The spectres can now pass trought trees and mountain
- A new dungeon type at Bree:
The Upper reaches of Galgals(level 1-10) !
- Changed the code for the different dungeon types. Now it's a lot easier to
add a new dungeon type. I'll maybe make a d_info.txt to define the dungeon
- Add a new dungeon:
The Volcano, you reach it by going to the north east of
Minas Anor. Level 30-45

- Spectres can't pass throught trees because trees are pure and natural
things :)
- New dungeon type:
The Hell !!! Level 500 to 530, Yes 530 ! With a little
present for you at the bottom... if you manage to survive :) I can just
said one more thing: don't go there with your level 1 character :)
You can reach it near the volcano hole.
- Now the fire ball can burn the trees
- Invisibility now consume a lot of food
- Fixed a starnge bug with the pool of deep water... It was possible to
sacrifice at and to worship(before the crash:) one :). Thanks to Steve Dice
- Add a very nasty surprise at level 1.... Moldoux, the defenceless mold with
1 hp no powers, can't move, can't attack... Oh and if it's killed there just
one Great Wyrm of Power which can be summoned to advange it !

- The look command doesn't stop anymore on the trees, grass, ...

07/03/1999 - PernAngband 3.1.2

- Sorcerors have now a bad pseudo-id
- Sorcerors have now a -25% penality of hp
- Add a scroll of deincarnation
- Add the possibility to
engrave the floor with some magic words found in some
parchements. The words are in Adunaic(Numeronean), Quenya, Sindarin or any
other tongues of Middle Earth. But the parchement also give useless words
with the usefull ones, so you have to try different combinaisons.
- No more "human" sex when randomly choosed

- Mathilde will say the right sentences now
- Fixed a bug in melee2.c which could produce an x and an y out of the limits
- Disabled the engraving command for now because it's too unbalancing...
- If you pray while in low hitpoints(< 20%) your god will do something to help
you, like summoning pets, curing wounds, killing ennemies...

- There is now a minimun level needed to enter some dungeons, it's to prevent
gaining great objects easily
- Fixed the OLD bug of the pink horrors, now only 2 blue horrors wil be summoned
- Fixed a bug with the tiles for the non uniques DragonRiders

- The Dragon realm users recieve some experience for the kills of their pets
- The Palantir of Minas Tirith now can teleport you next to the quest monster
but it'll take more time to recharge
- Fixed the possessor's number of blows bug. Also the town uniques corpse(
Maggot, Martti, Mathilde) can't be used to attack because their attack is
moan with no damage
- Added a faq(see pern_faq.txt)
- Added a new monster ally, the Dolphiner. They came from the planet Pern
and can summon dragonriders, their friends. They are men riding dolphins

******************** Attempts to rebalance the game **************************
- Changed the xp modifers of the new races in an attempt to make them more
balanced. Thanks to Shawn Cheng <>
- Invulnerability, Wraith Form and Life Multiplier now consume a *lot* of food
- RohanKnight's gain less speed at each levels
- Sound attacks of the harpers are less likely to stun...
- IMPORTANT NOTE: At the character birth if you choose a forbidden class for
your race, you'll be considered as a cheater and the game won't be scored.
It's mainly to prevent the too powerfull combinaison of Deathmold Mimic or
Deathmold Possessor. The characters made before the next release won't be
affected by that
- Some more attempts that I don't remember :)
- Changed the Mana and life multipliers, now mage staff of mana(100%) will
ADD 100% of mana to your max mana and not multiply it by 100 :)

- Replaced Menegroth by the new Lothlorien skillfully made by Akhronath
(, with 2 new quests + The Battle of the Five Armies +
(only for DragonRiders) The Fight against a Threadfall
Thanks again Akhronath !
- Deathmolds can now enter wilderness
- Radicaly
changed the score calculation, in the future it'll serve to choose
which characters must be turned into monsters. Note that the old score files
are compatibles but the old scores mean nothing with the new system

- Changed some aspect of the python implementation to make it more portable
- The usleep python function may react strangely
- When you pick up the same type of ammo that you wield in your quiver it
automatically combine with it
- The specials levels are now restricted to a certain depth AND a certain
dungeon type
- The number of collected bounties now count for the final score
- Add a
new option to not pick up monster's corpses. It's yes by default.
I've made it to avoid losing good characters by auto picking up a great
wyrm of power corpse and getting -500 speed !

- Reimplemanted the
player ghosts, but in a different way. First the bone files
are a lot more complex to include more aspect of the dead character. Second
only the best characters are allowed to become ghosts when they die, or commit
sucide, it's based on their final score. In the bone directory there is a new
file which held the name of the bone files that the player want ot be used.
To add a bone file, put it in the bone directory, add it to the bones.txt file
and increment the number of bone file in the same file.
When a game is loaded it looks for this file, try to find some unallocated
ghosts and modify r_info with the new info from the ghost. When this is done
the bone file is not used anymore because all the infos are saved in the
player savefile. The race/class characteristics are not fully handled now.
- Now even with a Mage Staff the Sorcerors have a penality of -10 to hit/dam
- A Vampire can now wield the
Phial of Undeath without being scorched, while
all the other light artifacts scorche them

- The Arcane Zap spell now works correctly
- Updated the FAQ with the help of Leon Marrick
- Updated magic.txt with the help of Leon Marrick
- WOH ! Impressive ! Great work indeed ! Well,
Andreas Koch has made a
powerfull graphic editor for PernAngband !!!! And is has also drew some new
tiles! The editor is realy impressive, you load the graphic file, the prf
file and you can assign a tile to every monsters/objects/... you want, just
with a click ! It can even scan the *_info.txt to search for new things that
are not in the current prf file and to add them !
You just need a big screen resolution(1152x864x16bits works for me)
Thanks for the great work Andreas( !
The Archer class as suggested by Mike Hommel <>. They gain
some extra shot and might with levels and can also create ammo with rubble
and junks.

- Fixed a bug in the Weyr of Arda at Lothlorien
- Add the artifact's descriptions made by ... well I don't have his/her name.
Anyway, great work.
- The rings of teleportation can now be actived but they'll be destroyed in
the process. It's like a last chance option :)

- The uniques used in the specials levels are no more showed as killed in the
list and can only be created in the special level.
Note : This will only affect the new characters.
- Fixed : When a Power Mage spell fails it is not cast anyway.
- Wall creation works for Power Mage
- Divia wrote some missing artifact descriptions

- Reimplemented the engraving feature. There is some parchements in the
dungeon which contain Adunaic/Quenya/Sindarin/... words you can use to
engrave the floor with 'x'(']' in the roguelike keyset). You must read them
before engraving even if you know the words from your last game. Also the
inscription is magical and so needs some mana to work. So there is a new
and unique feature : each grid in the dungeon have some mana on it's own.
You can sense the mana of one grid by pressing 'X'('[' in the roguelike
keyset), but this is not very precise nor easy, it's based on the magical
abitlity. When an inscription is used it decrease the grid's mana and when
there is not enough mana the inscription don't work anymore. The maximum
mana of each grid is 255. i.e: when you engrave the protection inscription
which use 8 mana on a grid with 80 mana, a monster won't be able to walk on
it for 80/8=10 turns, but well, this can save your life !
Note : There is not a lot of inscriptions, if you have some ideas, don't
hesitate, email me !

- Changes in the r_info for the HAS_EGG flag as suggested by Akhronath
- Bloodletters of Khorne only have a 20% chance of dropping Blade of Chaos

- Raal's Tomes of Destruction have a 20% chance of dropping a Raal's Tome of
- Symbiants are proner to receive the grow molds mutation

- Quest monsters can not be pets or breeders
- Can now place Trees(T), Mountain(M), Shallow & Deep lava(l, L) and
Shallow & Deep water(w, W) in the special levels
- Add a new dungeon type: The lost city of Numenor which is mainly constitued
of water and which can be found at the west of Bree
********************* IMPORTANT *************************
- The savefile fom the old versions of PernAngband are no longer compatibles
with the new one. It's mainly due to the new magic system but also some other
changes. I'm sorry but this would be hard to write a convertisser since all
the realm change(they have more spells) and so the books too and also the
way to remenber which spells are known, forgotten, tried...

- Some new graphics from Andreas Koch
- Fixed the wilderness generation bug which sometimes hung the computer when
trying to go on a wilderness border
The features(in f_info.txt) have some flags now. This allows me to create 2
new types of wall: The Glass walls trought which you can see but that you
can't pass and the Illusion walls that you can pass but not see trought
- The screen is now correctly redrawed when leaving/enterring a body
- Add the Wands of Wall Creation
- Death Molds powers have moved to the activation command('U')

- Your are no longer crushed when flying over trees/mountain without being a
- The Vanilla feelings are back

- All the spellbooks are now placed on the top of the inventory.
- The Sorcerors can now use the Wizard's and Prior's books
The new magic system is ready. I'm just waiting for Akhronath and Shawn
Cheng. And now additing a new realm or an old fasioned magic system is
performed the same way and easily
- Add the Illusionists from Kangband. Someone has asked for them so... :)

- Finished the Valarin Realm
- Between gates are now allowed in the vaults. To place them place 2 times a
number from 0 to 7. I.e(from weisiger <>):
But BEWARE ! You MUST put the 2 occurences of the number, no check are done
so it'll surely crash or bug if not ! You've been warmed.
- You can now walk over the water with a Valarin spell

- A monster on a between gate when the player is using the other is teleported
to the player location
- Add some Between vaults from weisiger
- Added the Sigaldry realm
- The Rings and Amulets are now allowed to be random artifacts
- You can use the between gates in the special levels via the numbers 4,5,6,7,
- Alchemists MUST wear gloves(no cesti nor gauntlet) in order to do alchemy.
They also begin the game with some gloves
- Add a Potion of Learning which allow you to learn one more spell than you
normaly can do. No need to say that they are very rare
- The more you learn spells in a realm the more efficient with that realm
you are

- Implemented the Nether Realm

- Magical stair at the bottom of each dungeon
- Reworked the imprinted pet system, now it will work lot better
- Add the scrolls of spell which can cast a spell like a book. They must be
created by the Sigaldry magic, they can't be randomly generated
- Updated the Sigaldry realm
- Add the
Staffs of Wishing ! You can wish for objects, monsters, spells but
NOT FOR ARTIFACTS nor for staffs of wishing
- Flying monsters can now pass over trees and mountains

- The game will ask you to choose ammo from your inventory if your quiver is

- Add the Crusade Realm
- Add some new inscriptions
- It's now possible to add up to 32 realms

- Wraith form is less powerfull since it's not so rare. Now damage is only
divided by 5 and armor raised by 50

- Add the speaking patch from Matt Graham. Just edit the monspeak.txt file
to add new entries. And don't hesitate to send me what you've added !

- There is less god and each god has one or two prefered races and if one of
this race pray to him they gain better benefits. Also the praying effects
are more differencied(based on the different gods)
- Add the 'only once' quest type
- It's harder to please your deity
The Nazguls are MUCH more powerfull(ideas from Akhronath):
******** Quote from Akhronath mail ********
All weapons which are not ego-items cannot harm them, and will be destroyed if
the character hits a Nazgul with it. Ego-items which have slay evil or slay
undead can harm them, but each hit has a 25% chance of destroying the weapon.
Other ego-items can't damage them, and have the same 25% chance of
destruction. An artifact weapon will be able to hit them only if the weapon
has slay evil or undead, but the weapon will be hit with disenchantment every
time it connects (but this is negated with disenchantment resistance on the
character). And even these artifacts can be destroyed, although there's only a
5% chance. Other artifacts, of course, can't damage the Nazgul, and still have
the 5% destruction chance.

When a character does any damage to a Nazgul or is damaged by a Nazgul, he has
a 25% chance of being afflicted by the Black Breath. Thenceforth the character
will slowly be drained of experience and sanity. The character can stay alive
by using restoring and curing potions, but to cure the Black Breath he must
either drink a Potion of Life or eat (a new item) Athelas Leaf. (Athelas isn't
really eaten, of course, but I can't think of another simple way to implement

This will really make the player think twice before going up to a Nazgul, and
makes it very useful to carry spare weapons.
So if you encounter a Nazgul .... FLEE AWAY !
- Sensing the grid's mana is now done by pressing 'x' key to engrave the floor
The X key is free for some new function(maybe for the new riding system)

- When browsing the spells while being a Power Mage there is no more bugs if
pressing escape
- Removed the anti forbiden race/class combinaison feature. But it's alway
possible to recompile PernAngband with it with the FORBID_BAD_COMBINAISON
define(in config.h)
New god : The RNG

- The priest/prior/paladin's god is now choosen dependently of their race
- I have enough of hunting those damn ghost bug which makes them unable to
move. So it's now a feature ! They don't move because they are GREAT
adventurers who now just want to stand there to find peace :)
Hey, fixing bugs is easy this way :))

- When 'A'ctivating the first screen showed is the equipment and no more the
- Some new gfx drew by Andreas Koch

- You can place object kind in the special levels instead of artifacts by
using 1000+k_idx as the number instead of just the artifact index

Add the Yeek race, but not as in Zangband. It's the one from Drangband.
I was thinking of a race who advance even quicker than the humans in levels
since a long time and I've found it !
So they suffer lots of disadvantages but need realy less exp than the other
races, i.e: When a DragonRider comes to level 1 a Yeek can already be at
level 7 !!
Added the FLY attribute, it allows you to fly over trees and mountains
because it's no longer possible with the levitation one. It's also a lot
rarer since it's POWERFULL in Galgals and Mirkwood. DragonRiders have it
by default. There is also a changment in the features flags, CAN_LEVITATE
means that you can just avoid them by floating over it(like a pit,
water, ...) and CAN_FLY means that you must have the FLY flag to cross it.

- The monster's drop are now created at the same time as the monster is
created. First it disallow the scumming of monster's drops. And the most
important thing is that it will allow me to add the new ability of stealing
objects from monsters(everyone will be able to do it, but only Rogue will
be excelent at that). For the point of view of the player there is no change.
It may produce some strange object disappearence in the late game since
all the objects are generated with the dungeon. And thus it may need to
increament the maximum size of o_list in misc.txt. If such problems shows
up, email me.
Press 'Z'('[' in roguelike mode) to STEAL an item from a monster. The
succes rate is based on your dexterity, the fact that you are or aren't
a Rogue(being one make it easier), the weight of the object to steal and
the base level of the monster. A Rogue will also gain some experience
if he/she succed. This made them more Rogue and less Warriors.

- Add more graphics from Andreas Koch along with a new version of the editor

- The resurection effect of the gods is now harder to get and decrease a lot
more your grace. It was ... well ... too powerfull for the cost of some
crappy artifacts
- Finished the Magery realm created by Chris Weisiger (

- I've finnaly fixed it ! You know, this ugly bug that unallow the darkening
of the grass & mud tiles when they have been lited.

- Yeah ! It's done the new magic system is finished(I will add Spirit Realm
latter). The final form if 4 Major Realms : Valarin, Nether, Magery, Shadow
and 4 Minor Realms : Crusade, Tribal, Sigaldry, Illusion.
The only problem is be that it could be unbalanced, specialy the Shadow realm
since I've created it :)
Anyway it should be great. There is still a lot of old spells but some new
coloured funny spells for you to discover, as Control the Ring, Infuse Amulet,
Scribe Scroll, Doppleganger, Volcano Flow, Tidal Wave, and a lot of other !
The max number of spells a character can learn depends on his class. But
generaly the player can learn less spells than the total number of spells he
has in all the books he can read.
I want to thanks Akhronath(who has the first idea and who write some realms),
Shawn Cheng, Chris Weisiger and DSCreamer<> for their great
- Moldoux can not appear at an other level than level 1

- A new version of the Tile Editor plus a full set of graphs(expect the books)!
- Moved the dungeon types definitions from tables.c to a new info file in the
lib directory:
It allows you to add new dungeon types easily.
There is also a brand new feature: You can specify which monster flags that
are NEEDED for a monster to be generated in the dungeon.
There is also an addition of dungeon flags. Here is the structure:
D:<long name>
W:<min depth>:<min depth>:<min player level>:<next dungeon>:<flags mode>:<min alloc>:<max alloc chance>
A:<wall1>:<%1>:<wall2>:<%2>:<wall3>:<%3>:<outer wall>:<inner wall>
M:<monster flags>
S:<monster spells>
- The quest rewards are always good
- I've finnaly found and fixed the Mirkwood Spiders Quest

- Add the
MAZE flag to the dungeon type flag list, which instead of a normal
dungeon generate a full big maze ! And it's EVIL ! Note that there will be
no rooms and no vaults generated, just a plein evil maze
The algorithm is from <> on
- Note about the dungeons : A dungeon can't have more than 40 levels
- You can use SMALLEST, SMALL and BIG as dungeon flags to specify the level's
- 6 new dungeon types: a Graveyard, an Illusory Castle, an Orc cave, a Maze
a Dragon's Lair and A Forest with specific gfxs and monsters restrictions
- Some new gfx form Andreas Koch nostly to add more flavor to the towns

- You can add a guardian and a guardian artifact to each dungeons types with
the following flags: FINAL_ARTIFACT_artifact_number and

29/08/1999 - PernAngband 4.0.0

- Fixed the max_dlv non allocation error
- Fixed the Tribal realm spell descriptions

01/09/1999 - PernAngband 4.0.0b
- New dungeon type, the
Netherworld with Muar and the Wand of Fireball of
at the bottom
- You can't gain a fate before being level 10
- Some cosmetic changes suggested by Akhronath
- A new Artifact by Akhronath, The Long Sword of Murazor 4d5, so ... the next
time you see a long sword 4d5, beware ...

- Add a feature flag to allow running
- Fixed the Chaos Warriors bug(they were unable to use magic !)
- Fixed the Chaos Realm descriptions
- You can't rest on a between gate
- You can now stole from stores. But beware of the consequences if you fail...
- Fixed a bug in that when recalling to the town the player was sometimes
placed in the upper left corner

- Fixed a bug that unallowed the creation of entrance to some vaults

- Fixed the Dragon Tower bug
- Add minimun player level to the random dungeons
- Add
shafts, you can use them do go up/down for up to 4 levels(but you can't
ignore quest levels). Original patch from Static Chaos. Idea from GSN
- Add a dungeon falgs to forbig generation of doors

- Some tweaks to the possessor code as written by Static Chaos i.e:
You lust possess a monster that is able to open to door to do so. The
same applies to bashing. Your sex is modified by your body. Lots of tweaks
to the spells that can be used...
- The racial power of the Dwarves is now the same as The Pick of Erebor
activation: they can find hidden passage in the walls
- There is 1 chance in 10 that the level is an magical level, which means that
each grid will contain more mana than a normal level.
- Add some new sentences to the monsters sentences

- Began to add the
Druid class. But it's TOTALY different from the other
variant's Druids. They make intense use of the mana flow from within the
earth and the elements, thus their spells can regenerate the mana they have
used by pumping it from the floor, like the Tunnel spell which will blink
the player and will try to absorb enough mana form the grid he/she lands on.
They can also(and they are the only to be able to do that) regenerate the
mana flow of the earth. They also can use enhanced attack types called
Druidist Bolt/Beam/Ball that can follow a mana flow laid by the player.
- The Druids can sense precisely the amount of mana of a grid

- Added some revised graphics by Andreas Koch
- Added the code provided by Alexey Guzeev( to
PernAngband under OS/2 with EMX
- It's finnaly fixed ! the damn bug that was crashing the game when leaving
a town on certain system(Mac and Windows) ! this will never happen again !

- Finished the Druid class. They have 40 spells(8 * 5 books). The spells that
activate Mana Runes is not active for now, but it will in a near future.
- Add a slightly modified Tom Morton fake artifact patch(it won't print {} at
the end)

- You can inscribe an object with !! to notify the player when it's recharged
- Lots of bug fixes thanks to Lothar Lange <>
- Lots of new ideas thanks to Lothar Lange <>

30/10/1999 - PernAngband 4.0.1
- "Foolish mortal! Thou hast not pleased me! I'll doom your game with the new
horrible DG curse !"
Yes I've done it, the
DG curse is even worse than the TY one. One of it's
most perverse feature is that it can replicate itself to contamine sane
objects that can't be cured. Also if you remove the curse of a DG cursed
object, it will recurse itself automaticaly !
Beware of the horrible Long Sword of Murazor because it carries the ancient
morgothian curse !
Oh, there is also some monsters that give the DG Curse when dying ... but
I'll let you find whose they are by yourself :-<|> (Dark God makes an evil
smile). I can just say one thing : you should *REALY* *NOT* kill Mathilde...
But do not worry she's got much more HP, so you can't kill her anymore :)

- Add the
Rod of Home Summoning, which acts like the old dragon spells
"Call Home"

- Drastically reduced the recharging time of the Dragon Scale mails in order
to render them usefull.
- Added a new weapon ego-item: of
Spining, which will make you spin around
in order to hit every monsters around you. Note that you'll only get one
blow for each monsters whatever is your normal number of blow.
- Added(ok stolen) the question in the GSNband FAQ about wrists hurting(it can
be usefull, so everyone should know)
- Rogues and monks have more and more stealth as they gain levels(SBF)
- Added some sentences for the Dwarves(in monspeak.txt)
- Added the
support of two-handed weapons(from GSN). Thus there is weapons
that can be handled with two or one hand(but with one hand it halfs the
damage). A 2 handed weapon can't be wielded with a shield.
- Added the random character name generation from Cthangband
- Added
rivers(water & lava) from the Steven Fuerst fractal patch. Note that
dungeon to have some rivers generated(actually in Mordor(lava), Dragon lair
(Lava) and Forest(Multiple Water))
- Updated generate.c to the Steven Fuerst fractal patch room generator(using
room_alloc), in order to implement the remaining part of the patch easier.
But I'm still having problem to adapt it to my extended dungeon generator.
- Ahah ! I've resolved the problem !! there is now
fractal rooms(15%, can be
always enabled by specifying the CAVE flag), now the orc caves looks great

- Added the
Caverns(enabled via the CAVERN flag)
- Hell has been moved down, it now begins at level 666(!:)

- Add the Static Chaos
persistent dungeon patch that save each levels of a
dungeon(which has the PERSISTENT flag) on the disk and reload it instead of
regenerating a new level.
- Add the
Outer World dungeon type(this is an entrance to a place of an
incredible stability). It use the PERSISTENT flag and thus will be saved.
Only level 50 characters can go there to prevent abuse(like have an old
ultra powerfull character and a new one and going into the Outer World to
exchange some stuff). And yes the saved dungeons are the same for EVERY
characters. But to add ... err ... variety, I've put it from level 300 to
305, I've put it to have at least 30 monsters from the begining AND to have
an higher monster generation rate(1/60 instead of 1/160 !), thus you'll
NEVER get bored there :)
- Implemented the much more
complex trap system from Angband/64 thanks to the
patch made by Static Chaos. There is 169 traps(see tr_info.txt).
Beware that in the average the traps are deadlier...
- It comes along with a new feature for stat system: temporary stat drain,
it's cool

- Renamed Power Bateries to Essences
- The DG_CURSE can put the NEVER_BLOW flag on a weapon ... sadistic !!!

- DSMs now have been granted the FLY flag

- The
monster memory now color some important things about the monster(like
resists, speed, ...)
- Fixed a wand of wishing bug, that make them to sometimes DO NOT use a
- Moved the special level DeathWatch to the Orc Cave
- Moved the special level Treasure Room to the Maze so people are forced
to play thoses dungeons if they want the artifacts
- Random quests will only occurs on PRINCIPAL dungeons(the one created by
splitting the vanilla dungeon into 4 smaller ones, Galgals, Mirkwood,
Mordor and Angband itself)
- To prevent to many YASD from the DG curse of Mathilde she has now be granted
22500 hp, but as usual she can't attack :))
- Fixed a bug that disabled the guardian at the bottom of some dungeons

- Added main-gcu from Angband/64 to allow larger screens
- Added the new note command that dumps to a file from "Tom Morton"

- Added funny time message from Z
- Added
object experience as suggested by Ceilti <>
- Fixed a bug when the magestaffs were cursed

- Added the small trees(allong with a new feature flag: SUPORT_LIGHT) to
replace the walls in the Forest and Mirkwood
- Some
new gfx from Andreas, and the town of Bree with the new tiles

- Add
4 dungeons by Vanilla Dungeon(only from Vanilla Town,
The Small Water Cave, The Sacred Land Of Mountains(if you don't have fly ...
do not even expect going there),
The Wild Land Of Kurukar(It sure looks great)

- New dungeons flags: HOT and COLD that affect object decay
- Add YA*IF(Yet Another *_info File):
It defines wilderness features *, allowing a better wilderness map. Since
it now defines nearly everything a wilderness need to have, the map itself
only have to be an array of feature and seed, thus allowing a much bigger
wilderness. I also plan to have a Omega wilderness mode where you can have
an overview of the wilderness to travel quicker(but time will pass much more
quicker too:)
The structure of w_info is also changed, it's uglier but well .... :)
The wilderness size must be EXACTLY the same as the size defined in misc.txt.

Scrolls of Reset Recall are now WORKING !!!!!
The new wilderness mode is done ! WHen you reach the border of a wilderness
screen you go to the small scale wilderness map, where you can see all
the wilderness map with the towns/dungeons/... A lot of commands are
disabled there and moving takes MUCH more time, so beware of the food !
You can enter the big scale mode by pressing >(this allow you to enter towns)
NOTE: The Death Molds CAN'T reach the small scale mode because of their
erratic movements that are impossible to handle in such a scale.
BEWARE: Your imprinted pets WON'T follow you in the wilderness !!!

- Add wilderness encounters
- Add
Oangband rod/wand stacking
- Amulets of the Serpent from Sadi Khan <>:
Resist Poison, Dexterity, some AC and Poison breathing

12/12/1999 - PernAngband 4.0.5

- Updated the makefiles and renamed object3.c to traps.c
- Add 5 new essenses from Sadi Khan: Force, Darkness, Lightning, Mana and
- Fixed the bug that was placing the player at the town entrance when
leaving a building


- Add the
tool slot. It's actualy only used to wield a shovel/pick but I've
some plans for it
- You can only dig walls if you use a shovel/pick in yout tool slot

- Removed the player ghosts, well in fact made them a compile-time option(see

- Added the
Necromancer class. But again not quite the same as you've seen
before. They can't be killed as easily as the other class. In fact when
their HP comes to 0 they don't die but become undead for a while. While
being undead their HP is replaced by DP(Death Points) that have a max
inferior to the max HP and that are slowly decreasing(1 DP less each turn).
They can use all the healing spells/potions/... but this won't stop them
from being reduced again. The only way for them to come back in the world
of the living is to kill 2 * player_level monsters.

Happy New Year !

- Add a new curse(as suggested by When a weapon has this
curse and that the wielder attacks a monster with it, it can clone it !
And it's REALY REALY annoying, specialy when fighting some kinds of
wyrms :)

- Finaly fixed the flags shown on the character display.
- The quit without save command(CTRL + L) is now a compile time option disabled
by default
- The
Necromancer class has now 5 spells(used the same way as the mindcrafters

- Power gained by gaining xp artifacts has been reduced
- New unique monster: The Greater Lag Monster... beware :)
- AHAHHAHAH ! I got it ! the
wilderness bug that made the game crash when
enterring a town is fixed ! And the wilderness system has been greatly
Now to switch the wilderness mode, just press < or >.
Everything should now works properly

- Each Nazgul will now drop his
Ring of Power. They are randomly generated
and thus they don't appear in a_info.txt. They always give invisibility,
life draining and are heavy cursed.


- Changed the format of
w_info.txt again, it's much more readable now.
I also added a additionnal parameter to the W lines of wf_info to define
which letter will be used in w_info.txt
- 60x20, this is the scale of the new wilderness, it tries to looks like
the 3rd age middle earth map. Thus some dungeons leaved the towns they
were used to be to join their "real" place on the map. Only the Upper
Reaches of Galgals are still reachable from Bree.

- Added a small hack from Static chaos to allow running faster with the
overhead map enabled.

- PernAngband 4.0.6
- Possessors now have a MUCH better pseudo id, equal to warrior's one

- Changed the wilderness map with the one provided by Gwidon S. Naskrent
( It's bigger, it's better :)
- Fixed a bug with the chasm opening inscription

- Fixed a bug with the staff of wishing
- Druids can now pass through trees
- Stairs are now noticed again(when you see one it will stay on your screen
even when out of torch radius)

- When a Necromancer turns into an undead he/she/it gets cured of everything

- MAYBE fixed the damn wild bug ... again ? oh please GREAT RNG help me !

- Added the Notes patch from Chris Kern. That allows you to get a .txt file
recording great events in your life, your notes, ...
Very usefull I think

- Fixed the artifact wands stacking bug
- Removed the Netherworld dungeon
- Added the
Moria dungeon, it's not random and can be found in ... the moria
mountain chain :) There is Muar waiting you at the bottom, guarding the
Quarterstaff of Olorin
- Waldern, the king of water is back, and he is the final monster of the
small water cave, guarding a the Trident of Ulmo. but beware is is more
powerfull than in vanilla
- Dungeon guardians and dungeon guarding's artifacts acn only be generated
in their respective dungeons
- Removed rumors that were still Zangbandish and some others I dont liked :)

- The MONSTER_PERCENT_ flag can be added to some dungeons to specify the
amount of of monsters that are affected by the dungeon specific restrictions
- Random dungeons now appear on the overhead wilderness view
- COULD IT BE !!!!!! yes it could !!!! thanks to Tom Demuyt that sent me a
savefile where he wasn't able to learn spells, I may have finaly fixed the
dreaded spell bug !!!! I say may because I'm waiting for some fellow
mac user to compile it to see if it realy fix the bug.
- IT WAS'NT ! but now it *IS* !!!!
That as an other bug. And now Gob, the great Gob, the powerfull Gob,
found the dreaded mac spell bug !!! thanks Gob !!!!
- Changed the price for Runes/Essences to be more accurate
- Changed some uniques in r_info to their former vanilla glory
- The look command can now show the trap's types

- Fixed some typos(thanks whimsy)
- Began to add the Body parts system to allow more rings, weapons,
everything, depending of your current corpse(dragons will have more rings,
mariliths 2 weapons, ...)
- If your corpse allow the use of more than one weapon, you can use them :)
let see a Sorceror using Ringil AND Gandalf ! :) well first he have to find
the rare scroll to change body and then to find the corpse that allow 2
- Changed color of shafts(brown now) because they were hardly visible
- Flying no more allow passing over mountains, you MUST have a
Climbing Set

- Fast autoroller as a birth option
- E'x'amining books in stores now browse them if your class can read them
- Add a bookstore to Lothlorien town

- When in battle rage(berserk) and using the ascii mode the screen goes all
red(as it is white for invulnerability and black for wraithform)
- r_info is modified to give all monsters some
inventory slots. the format is

27/05/2000 - PernAngband 4.0.7
- add a new dir to lib, DNGN which contain the definition of the LEVELS
not the dungeons. one file for each level named dun$dungeon$.$level$
In it you can have some declarations, like B:dungeontype which will
create a stairway to an other dungeon, thus allowing to have "branchs"
in the dungeons.
L:dungeontype and L:level specify which is the "father" dungeon and at which
level the stair appear.
S:ext means to save the level(and thus to reload it) in the player.ext file
so allowing the use of persistents levels(the persistent dungeons option
is gone)

Necromancers can use the Nether realm in addition to their old set of
powers(now accesible through 'U')

- Boomerangs of spinning are no more allowed(that was silly)
- Increased the rarity of the
ULTIMATE artifacts(Magestaff of Gandalf,
Longsword of Eru, Seeker Bolt/Xbow of the Elves)
- Fixed the displaying of attrubutes under the 'C'haracter display

- Players can now
choose which kinds of monsters they dont want in their game
at birth(wipe all Pern monsters, all Cth, monsters, joke monsters, ..)
Note that monsters in fixed quests are not affected.
Thanks Static Chaos.
- In the
Maze you can no longer remember anything, that means everything you
see is what it's in your light radius ! MUAHAHHAH, I'm *NASTY*
- Archers now get a better chance of not breaking their ammo as they
advance levels

- Note taking bug should be fixed
- Fixed a bug with the incarnation code

- Added the
Orc Barracks special level(level 35 of the Moria) from
Chris Weisiger (
- The maze is now guarded by The Baby Minotaur who is holding The Steel
helm of Hammerhand
- The graveyard is guarded by Vecna holding Doomcaller
- You can now use the 'l'ook command in the small wilderness view
- Between gates are no more automatics, you must press > while standing on
one to activate it

- Revised the
Adventurer's guide thanks to Chris Weisiger(
- You can no more recall from a quest
- You can no longer target pets
- Reenabled the "
Control the rings" spells of the Shadow realm
- Between gates are now
purple +


- Only
priest-like characters can use the Valarin realm
- Removed all the references to Logrus
- Tunneling rubble will place the standart floor of the current dungeon and
not the floor feature
- Grow trees no more crash when used near the dungeon edge

- Fixed the character dump resistances
- When a full character dump is requested(upon death) the self-knowledge
screen is used instead of the grid of abilities, that looks better :)
- Fixed a bug in the placement of stairs which sometimes lead to a stairway
to an other dungeon when not requested
- Fixed the bug that generated 'unknown' grids
- Should now compile without(nearly) any warnings
- Fixed the mountain bug that hung the game when entering mountain chains
in the wilderness

- Some more monsters from Angband/64 and some more work on r_info from
Static Chaos. That brings the number of monsters to ...
1023 !
- Damage took from going between is divided by (ac / 50) + 1
So between 0 and 49 ac it's full damage, between 50 and 99 it's half
damage and so on
- Greater Hell Beasts now have .. 1 hp :)

- Add the
Unbeliever class, they are anti magicians. Great warriors, they
have the worst magic device skill of all the classes, they continuously
generate an anti-summoning field around them disabling monsters from
summoning. The radius of the field increase with levels. After level 20
they can also disrupt the magic continuum, thus getting the same effects
as Anti-Magic, Anti-Tele and The Stone of Lore(nobody on the level can

- Add an option to
auto tunnel walls when bumping into them.
NOTE that it'll ALWAYS take a turn then, so beware...
- Really fixed the note taking bug(ok stole the fix from Zangband :)
- Changed the object description so now it's "Smeagol's Corspe" instead of
"The Smeagol's Corpse"

13/07/2000 - PernAngband 4.0.9

- Orc Barrack's between doors are fixed
- God favor is reinitialized upon birth
- Added the
Daemologist class along with a brand new realm and lots of new
cool effects(try making all your pets explode ! :)
All made by Static Chaos

- Fixed lots of compilation warnings thanks to Static Chaos
- Added the
random vaults and crypt vaults from Zangband with the help of
Static Chaos
- Fixed some bugs pointed out by Bablos
- The Ray Rune now relay make a beam and not a pseudo bolt

- 2 handed weapons wielded with a shield now really restrict your fighting
abilities(I forgot to add the code before :)
Possessors can't leave their body while they wear cursed items
- Word of Destruction is not more allowed in quests
- Add a
fate spoiler created by Dustin Ragan
- Removed the old new player ghosts implementation
- Added the new old player ghost implemetation(stolen from Drangband)
- Rod system have be totaly reworked. Now you can find "base" rods without
power(rods of nothing) with a certain quality(wooden, iron, ...) on which
depends the amount of mana they contain. You can also find rod tips which
contain the real spells but can not be actived alone. You must attach(with
the 'z' command) a rod tip to a base rod before using it. The spells of the
different rod tips need different amouts of mana(so illumination is less
mana hungry than healing :). You can also have base rods ego-items(artifacts
soon) that can decrease the mana cost of the spell, increase the capacity
of the rod, decrease the time needed to zap the rod, ...
Oh BTW, you should be eager to get an Adamantite Rod of Healing of the
Istari :)
Now rods will hopefully be usefull.
Note that you have to identify the base rod to get the mana indicator
- Note files are now playername.nte instead of playername.txt
So if you want your note file to be carrie to the next verison you'd better
rename it :)
- Fixed a bug that prevented Azog to be generated at the bottom of the Orc

****************** IMPORTANT *****************
- Removed the Python support because it was slowing the game, additing
wiegth to the executable(and thus to the archive), was mainly unused,
and was never present in some ports

- Unbelievers are now much better at perception, and actually become even
better as they go up levels
- Fixed several bugs thanks to Iain McFall
- Reset recall is now much nicer to use thakns to Iain(again :)
- When a character is infected by the Black Breath it is show in the char
screen & dump

- Cursed mage staffs should no more crash the game when identified
- A Marilith can now drop it's corpse corpse
- Add the
gods spoiler made by Dustin Ragan
- Fixed a bug that could eventualy crash the game when looking at the quests
- Fixed a bug in the random junkartifacts that made them cure fear when said to
cure confusion
- Add the
squeltch patch from Iain McFall
- Boomerangs are now pseudo-ided

- The *thanc artifact daggers are less common because they are so powerfull


- The Midas Touch 30k gold limit has been removed(suggestion from Chris)
- Fixed(ok ok Iain fixed :) several trap related bugs
- Squeltch now use the pseudo-id thanks to Iain
- Pseudo-id inscriptions are no more part of the real inscription of an object
and thus ... it's better :)
- Tribal spell "
Life Drain" now reduce your stat permanently 30% of the time
and the other 70% it can be cured via restore stats pots. The damage is now
always 50d50 and is no more affected by mage staffs of spell
- Tribal spell "
Meditate" no more speed/heal you(it still heals your insanity)
and the glyphs radius as been decreased
- Add the
Trap of Acquirement that will give a great object and then mutate
into an other trap. It can never be identified and the color varies.
Idea from Iain
- When casting charm upon monsters only the non pet ones will be affected
- Elder Aranea HP reduced
- Small trees are burned by fire
- Randomly activated mutations are no more activated in the overview
- Ghoulkings are now z instead of p
- Throw potions now give xp when killing by a ball effect
- Scrolls of reincarnation have been removed now you can only find scrolls of
deincarnation. To reincarnate into a new body 'U'se the appropriate power
- Recharging is now usefull again
- Breeders should be a BIT slower
- Reduced mutation chance of breeders from 7% to 3%

- New, unified store/building code

- Add
quest plots. Feature 75, 76, 77, 78 are now permanent walls but used
as quest plot info holders. Before the new building code quest info was
stored in the building feature but now all stores/buildings use th same
feature(74) and the "special" valure define them.
- Add
semi-random towns. Now if the ' ' (space) character is used in the town
definition this grid will be replaced by the feature calculated by the
plasma generator as if it was a normal wilderness screen. So the forest of
Lothlorien is plasma generated and not fixed. It add variety and consistency
with the rest of the wilderness
- All towns are now updated to the new store/building code
- Removed the "you are being crushed" bug when going in the overview map thanks
to Iain McFall(as usual:)

- When you use a 2 handed weapon and press 'e' the equipment list will show
the weapon(and some info) in the shield slot too
- Monsters can't have less arms than weapons(arms)
Mimics have been upgraded. They now have 5 powers. First is to use books of
lore as before. Second is invisibility. The other ones are Mimicries.
There are 3 mimicries, legs mimicry, wall mimicry and arms mimicry.
Legs and arms mimicry will "create" a new body part(or some) for a certain
duration. Wall mimicry will make the caster able to walk in walls(he becomes
a wall) but ONLY in walls .. not on floor .. so beware with this one


- For your god to resurect you you need 3 times more grace and your grace
will be fixed to -100000

- Add
exploding ammos(bolt, arrows, shots) thanks to a patch by Static Chaos

- Add some patches from Kusunose Toru <>
- Neuters get a weight & height

13/10/2000 - PernAngband 4.1.2

- Buildings doors can't be erased

- Fixed a bug in the rod system when attaching form the floor
- Added
fountains that you can quaff from('H' in normal mode, 'V' in roguelike
mode, yeah I know it as for version number .. but .. mhh who is using it ?:)
Thanks to Static Chaos for the patch
- You can fill empty options with fountains(thanks static chaos)
- Added the Iain McFall
Show Monster patch to show all viewable monsters

- Fixed numerous bugs
- Fixed the st_info & ba_info files thanks to Kusenose Toru

God's blasts can't be reflected anymore, so beware, puny mortal !!! :)
- Added a whole bunch of
new floor features(ice, mud, sand, sandwalls, ...)
thanks to Static Chaos.
- More
spell effect will affect the dungeon, for example, fire will melt ice,
nether will kill trees, fire will create ash, cold will freeze water, ...
thanks to Static Chaos again :)
- Cleaned up the feature code again(that is a REALY messy part of angband...
and specialy of Zangband)
- Note: Sandwalls can be dug WITHOUT any digging tools
- Teleport scrolls/staffs are back in the shops
- Mages, Wizards and Sorcerors now only get a wand of fire bolt at birth
- Finnaly fixed the Alchemists extracting powers
- Fixed numerous bugs thanks to KUSUNOSE Toru
- Desert and Glacier wilderness features now really look like desert &
glacier :)

- Debug commands are allowed in the overview map, but beware, do not create
objects & monsters there ...
- The
wilderness map is no longer fully known, you have to explore it
- New wild.c file to support all wilderness functions
Maps can be found to reveal some places of the wilderness

- Exp gaining weapons will gain levels way slower
- Rings & Amulets random artifacts will only be "
Ring of foo" and not
"Ring of Slow digestion of foo"

- Level gaining Artifacts have been significantly towned down
- Sauron lost his chances to drop The One Ring
- Blood of Life potions & Staffs of Wishing are more rare
Your god wont always resurect you even if you have enough piety
- When leaving it's corpse Possessor's equipment will be dropped to floor
to prevent them form being "lost"
Sandworm lair, a new dungeon
- Staffs of wishing now only have 1 charge

- A patch to the alchemist patch from KUSUNOE Toru, they should now work
- h-system.h fixed so it should compile fine on Linux

- New r_info.txt with the HAS_LITE flag, thanks to Static Chaos :)
- Now some monsters can have a light around them

- Phial of galadriel and Phial of Undeath now use the same symbol(yellow ~)

- Fates now show up in the character dump (thanks Kusunoe)
- Scrolls of Divination are more friendly now (thanks Kusunoe)
- Artifacts in monsters inventories not yet seen are not shown in the
artifact list (thanks Kusunoe)

- Zweihanders are now 2handed weapons(as they always should have been :)

- Ego Rods are now "xxx rod of egoname of power" and not
"xxx rod of power of egoname"
- Fixed some typos(parchEment, NumeRoNean, ...)
- Fixed a bug with junk randarts

Gods now need more sacrifices
- Disabled the monster lite feature right now because it's HORRIBLY buggy
- The
Sandworm Queen will now drop the Sandworm armour when killed

- Now you can
separate a dungeon entrance from a dungeon exit on the
wilderness map using the WILD_ix_iy__ox_oy flag in d_info.txt.
ix, iy are the coordinates on the wilderness map of the entrance.
ox, oy are the coordinates of the exit.
Note that each of them(entrance and exit) must have a physical entrance
on the wilderness map(that is a line in w_info.txt).
When you use the entrance to enter you get to the first level but when you
use the exit to enter you get to the last level.
So now you can have dungeons that create shortcuts in the map.
Or even allow to go in previously unreachable places(like now the dungeon
of Moria allows you to reach a secret valey in the Mountains of the Moria
which allow getting to some other dungeons)
- Fixed a bug with fountains(yeah, fountains of the Blood of Life were quite
unbalancing :)
- Priests can't use Tribal magic anymore
- Mages can't use Crusade & Illusion Magic anymore
- Rogues can't use Crusade anymore

- Found why under certain circumstances forbidden objects could still be
generated(and thats also fixed now :)
Dungeons & Monsters can now have object themes(yeah I know, I stole that
from Zangband, thought the dungeon theme was in my head for long, but
when I steal I do admit it ...)
For exemple The Sandworm lair is really full of magical items, while the
Orc Caves are more on the side of the weapons & armors. And the Dragon Lair
is filled with ... oh well everything :) and so on.
So it's now really worth to get out of the 4 basic dungeons and see the
wild world!
All dungeons are done with the themes, it could take a bit longer for
the (1031) monsters... :)
NOTE: Dragon Scale Mails are considered TREASURES

Ego Monsters, yes like Ego items but for monsters. New file re_info.txt
define all possible ego monsters types(skeletons, zombie, ...). It can
modify, the flags, spells, level, speed, ac, ... of the monster that is
turned into an ego monster.
This will increase the randomness of the game, increase the number of
monsters from 1031 to .. a lot... :)
There are not much ego monsters right now, so feel free to submit them

- Sorcerors can't use much armor
Beastmasters have been give access to the Tribal realm, they Beastmaster's
powers are now available throught the 'U' key
- Player
Raise death spells will now really create an undead. For example
you cast raise death upon a kobold corpse and you can get a Skeleton Kobold,
or a Zombie or a Spectre one. New Undead types will be added later. And Im
open to ideas naturaly
- Narya activation is now Healing (500)
- Nenya activation is now Healing (800)
- Vilya activation is now Healing (900) and cure Black Breath
Daemonologists can now wield their books(in the weapon slot), when used this
way, spells are cast in 1/3 of a turn otherwise it takes 5 turns

Specialized ESP, like Orc ESP, Troll ESP, Dragon ESP, ...
They are less rare than full esp, but full esp is more rare
- Fixed a Runcrafter bug which could crash the game is no second rune was

11/02/2001 - PernAngband 4.1.5

- Ents get nearly no sustenance from eating

- Center player option
- Alchemists artifact creation now requires player level magic essenses to
work. The stats are permanently reduced upon faillure(as it always meant to
be). You PERMANENTLY lose 100 max hp when trying to create an artifact.
This should reduce the number of mad alchemists :)
Dark Swords as a new item type. They generate an antimagic field of 50%
minus the enchantment(a +5+5 one will only do 40%) on a 5 distance(also
minus the enchantment
Unbelievers now generate a (player level)% antimagic field on a distance of
(player level / 10)
- An antimagic field disable any form of magic on the user, and can prevent
monsters from casting spells(not breathing). A 50% magioc field will have
a 50% chance of stopping a spell

"Normal" Artifacts. Normal Artifacts are artifacts found directly in k_info
that doesnt require a place in a_info. That allow strange artifacts, like
wands, rods, staff(those were possible already but uglily), ... and even
- The Rod Tip of Home Summoning is now a Normal Artifact
- The Greater Ration of Health is the first(very rare) food artifact !
When eaten it provide +70 hp permanently
- The Potion of the Blood of Life is now Normal Artifact
- Invulnerability can no more appear in fountains
- The Ring of Precognition is now a Normal Artifact
- The Ring of Wraithform is now a Normal Artifact
- The Scroll of Deincarnation is now a Normal Artifact
- Hell is now the
Nether Realm
- Fixed a bug that created stairs at bottoms of dungeons
- Extra blows can only be provided by things in the weapon slots
- The Scroll of Mass Resurection
- Renamed Warrior-Mage to Warlock

- The Wand of Stone to Mud of Thrain and The Wand of Fireball of Gandalf
got the EASY_USE flag, allowing them to be used even by unskilled
- As does the Stone of lore

- Fixed a bug that allowed people in quests to use the '<' key to get to the
wilderness timescale
- Fixed a quets bug that allowed the player to regenerate the quest many times
The Contol the Three shadow spell is now much much more effective, since
it removes black breath and DG_CURSE. The only little annoying thing is that
it requires that player to wear the *THREE* rings. And that can only be
acomplished with either the Possessor class(thought they CAN'T use the spell
no hope for them) or The Scroll of Deincarnation

- Monks can choose which spell to learn
- Fixed a bug with limited ESP description
- Fixed a bug in Possessor's titles

- DeathMolds can now teleport onto stores & such(all features that are
considered floor by the game)
- Objects cannot be dropped on traps anymore
- The Sandworm Queen no longer appears multiples times
- Harpers wont crash at the start anymore
Panic saves will use the filename(thanks Improv)
- Symbiants can't hypnotize monsters that aren't pet anymore

- Add an old patch from SC which allows
dungeons to project an attack every
few turns. For example a player in the Nether Realm will be hurt by nether
every 3 turns for a damage of 10d10.
The syntax is(up to 4 lines):
E:<dices>d<sides>:<frequency>:<attack type>
- Volcano now does 2d10 damage each 10 turns, beware scrolls on the floor :)
- Lost ruins of numenor does 1d1 acid damage each turn(water will RUST you)
- Cirith Ungol will poison you every 20 turns for 4d4
- Illusory Castle will confuse you every 6 turns for 6d2
- Small Water Cave does 1d1 acid damage each 20 turns(water will RUST you)
- Nether Realm is unlightable(as is the Maze) and alwaos empty levels
- Nether Realm is now guarded by Tik'srvzllat who guards the Ring of Phasing
a powerfull ring that allow wraithform and immunity to nether


New Race system, Now you select a race AND a race modifier at birth.
For example you choose to be a human vampire, or a dwarf skeleton, ...
Then some modifiers apply(stats, skills, extra powers, ...). Note that
all races can't use all race modifiers
- New race modifier, Barbarian, the old barbarian race is gone
- New race, the
Wood Elf from CathAngband, masters of the bow, with 1 extra
might and 1 more if they use bow and are high level enough
- Extra Might can now be > 1
- Penality for priests using non blessed swords/axes/polearms is now (-15,-15)
- New weapon category: Axes
- Add
Weaponmaster class from Gumband, trained into one weapon category, being
great with it but bad with anything else

- Aranruth is a broad sword, 15lb, 3d5
Fixed lots of spelling errors/typos thanks to Improv
- Add a new birth option:
Astral(ghosts from KaMband, name from Gumband)
It enforces vanilla town and makes you start at level 98, you can't recall
and need to reach town
- Trap doors can't appear at the last level of dungeons or in non dungeons
- The concept of non-dungeon places: some "dungeons" got the FLAT flag
meaning they are ... flat, like a forest
- The concept of Towers, going up instead of down
- Updated birth.txt to take in account the race modifiers
- Wood Elves can go throught trees
- Ammo similar to the one in your quiver will always be picked up

The death fate is way different now. When the player enters level he is
fated to die on he gets teleported to a special level in a special dungeon.
the level is empty, small and full of really ut of depth monsters. Recall,
genocide, ... are forbiden. There are no stairs, the only way to leave it is
to kill every single monster of the level. Then the player is teleported
back to town. Chance of surviving are *LOW* but not unexistant :)
- The knowledge rune will now probe monsters
- Runecrafters are now playable(new damage formula) even at low levels !
Now lets hope they are not TOO powerful :)
Runecrafters upgraded. They can now:
1) Cast a spell on the fly(as before)
2) Cast a runespell the memorized before(can memorize up to 100)
3) Cast it from a carved runestone(uses 75% mana and does NOT need the
runes to be present in the inventory, but canibalyse the runes at
creation and must carry it around)
- Mormegil is now a Darksword and is quite nice
- Lesser & Greater Krakens now drop corpse


Add random towns in the dungeons. There can be up to 4 towns per dungeons.
Not all dungeons(well should say places) can hold towns. Random towns shops
are took from the possible shops in st_info.txt with the RANDOM flag
- Stores in st_info.txt got flags
- When carving a Runestone the involved runes are destroyed
- Random towns can have different shapes, from vanilla one to hidden one
(the stores are palced randomply on the level, without any buildings)
- When the
player is invisible and does not have see invisible the @ symbol
- Cannot locate undetected traps by simply 'l'ooking around
- Mariliths cannot use boots

- The player is no more "teleported away" when leaving some buildings
- Level gaining artifacts rariuty have been increased
- Death Ray will actually kill the player
- Removed traps of death ray(now that death ray insta-kill)
Recharged wands/staffs cannot be extracted anymore
- Wraithform no longer reduce damage
- New hp formula for Possessors
- Some sentence for the DarkGod monster to say, based on #angband :)

*WARNING*, squelch list has to be checked upon importing an old savefile
- Every item can provides blows since Alchemists cant create that much arts
- Wielding a
mage staff(even non ego ones) will provide with a decrease of 20%
of the casting speed(using 80 energy instead of 100)
- Add makefile.bcc thanks to Arch


- Some Spelling/Grammar fixes in lib/help/ -- Improv
Leveling atifacts will not use a new scheme:
There are now groups of abilities(the Fire realm, the Cold Realm and so on)
Whenever a weapon goes up a level, it gets to either:
1. become enchanted by +2/+1
2. gain another attribute from a group it already has.
3. gain +1 to hit, and a point.
when a weapon gains a certain number of points, it can buy access to a new group
Note that some groups can contain good AND bad abilities
- Pet shop now sells scrolls of summon never moving pets
- Lots of fixes(ammo weigth, god flags, ...) thanks to Kusunose Toru
- Towers desactivated for the time begin
- Rods considered good

- PernAngband 4.2.2
- Force attacks will pull away monsters (from Dr)
- Fist of Force is now a force attack
Unbelievers can now detect traps at level 25 and destroy them at level 35
Press 'm'

- GoI no longer protects from insanity
Colored messages
- Artifact creation results in a 40hp loss

Hermit subrace, magic adepts weaker physically but have more mana reserves
- Use upx for exe compression of the DOS version in makefile

- Fixed makefile difficulties in, and uncommented one of
the safer sets of CFLAGS/LIBS in that file as a good default -- Improv
- Fixed some other spelling problems, notably in cmd7.c -- Improv

- Reworked the old (ugly) activatable
mutations, race powers, ... system to a
new unified one. Race, subrace, class powers are defined in the tables in
tables.c. Now the new system will allow for artifacts to grant powers, it
also allow intrinsic powers (i.e. you quaff The Potion of Blinking
and from now on you can blink at will)
- There is a 2% chance of gaining the grow mold mutation when eating a slime
- Priests gets the curse detection power
- Oops the Sandworm Queen wasn't confusion resistant :)
- Added various
granted powers to various artifacts and ego items
- Sorceror allowed spellbooks are now in tables.c (Mrealm_choice)
- Changed the install rule to do something sensible on Unix. Changed config.h
to suit. Default dir for lib is now /usr/lib/games/pernband/
Hopefully this won't make too many people angry -- Improv

- New
GFX by Andreas Koch
- Fixed some entries in a_info
- Monster memory now tells people when they're facing a Nazgul (Kevin W Thomas)
- Fixed a bug in dungeon town generation (Kevin W Thomas)

- Added makefile.WHICH, fixed up my earlier patches to add a real install
rule - Improv
- Pseudo id now works for potions, scrolls, wands, staves and rods. Magicians
are better at pseudo id-ing those than warriors (SC)
- Can only use one
ultimate artifact at a time (not that it really
matters given that no-one will ever find one :) )
- Fixed a bug preventing The Baby Minotaur from being generated if it was
already generated for a previous character using the same savefile

- Upgraded to latest z-term code
- Illusory castle got a guardian,
The Glass Golem (a NASTY thing) hoarding
The Helm of Knowledge, which auto ids every item you walk onto and activates
for insanity + *id*
- Crushed all oriental items(nearly) of the game, they just doesn't fit the
general theme
- Gigantic dungeons (flag DOUBLE) from SC
Ice lair as a Gigantic dungeon from SC
- Dragon Lair is gigantic now
- Between gates travelling damage is now /2

- Checked in an EXTREMELY raw and broken version of my z-term changes that
produce cmovie files. It's disabled by default, if you want to play with
it, play with z-term.c ... Until I incorporate a cmovie player into
Pernangband, you can use the one I wrote for MY roguelike MoLD, available
at . Little plug there. -- Improv

- Moria WILL have downstairs at the bottom

New quest code ! Quests are no longer in *_info.txt files but are able to do
many new things, and the code is less ugly than it was :)
- Random Quests refitted to use new quest code, now each level with a random
quest will have a vault with the monsters you need to kill inside, and a
princess that is held prisoner (your goal being to save her)
- Refitted Thieves quest
- New Bree quest, The Lost Hobbit ! save Merton !!
New key, 'y' to give items to monsters
- Elven vampires no longer get resist lite, that was silly AND unbalancing
- Artifact arrows wont come in piles anymore

- Removed Wizard & prior classes, Mages & Priests can now use their realms
Refitted Crusade realm, some new (fun) spells
- cmovie changes to make it work better. Should have it all cleaned up and
portable very soon. -- Improv
- Updated pern_faq -- Improv
- Power mages start with a 2d4 spells
- Fixed a bug which made random artifacts destroyed by auto-squelch. --
- Changed spellbooks colors to be more .. accurate
- Add the
Spirit realm, taking the place that was designed for it a long time
ago, the one that tribal used until now, between Valarin and Shadow.
Tribal is not removed, but it can only be used by some nature-like classes
(like beastmasters, rangers, ...). Some spell names & spellbooks names are
took from psiband Psionicists

- disturb_move option off by default
- Bree town totally redesigned by Mynstral to be more accurate the LoTR
description of it and to be more .. beautiful :)
- New quest in Bree after the hobbit one, The Trolls Glade
- Dark Horseman quest required level raised to 35
- Massive updates to tables.c, fixed spelling of several spells, renamed a
few, fixed spelling of several lvl-specific class names, renamed a few.
Also working on maintainability for race/class restriction code in same
file. -- Improv
- Entirely replaced TANG.txt with new stuff I wrote -- Improv
- Permanent wraithform no more do the "You feel opaque" every few turns
- Recoded the passwall() function to be... less ugly and less buggy
- Archers learn to protect their arrows from fire as they advance levels
The Toris Mejistos guarded by Ar-Pharazon the Golden at the bottom of
the lost ruins of Numenor
- Fixed random artifacts activation bug

- Spell lists are now colored
Spell descriptions when browsing
- Half magery spells descriptions done by Parak
- The potion of learning is a k_info artifact now
- Added
color to seen unique list, quests list and a few others

- Descriptions added to first five Shadow books (Shaun "arch" Sides)
- Nazguls lost the DG_CURSE upon death
- The Spiders of Mirkwood quest is the first Lothlorien quest
Magestaff of power now increases spell power while magestaff of spell
holds 2 spells (switching their previous behaviors)
New ego item system, externalized everything, it's half based on Matthias
Kurzke patch
- Rewrote e_info.txt for the new ego system, the rarity should look like the
- Bows of Numenor & Lothlorien as new ego items
- DSM can be ego
- some new ego & tweaks to existing egos
3 new light types: Everburning torches, Dwarven lanterns and Feanorian
- New ego lights: of Brightness, of *Brightness*, of Illumination, of Boldness,
of the Shadows, of Infravision, of the Eternal Eye
- The Phial of Galadriel is now level 20 rarity 10, the ego lights & other
perm lights should be enough until then
- Ego light: of Fading, will make non-permanent the permanent lights :)

- Add auto curse
- The One Ring will not be cursed when generated but will have the auto_curse
flag, so it is possible to use it and take it off for VERY brief periods...
but if it becomes cursed while you're wearing it .. you're stuck with it
- The same applies for the Toris Mejistos (except that it's not permacursed)
- Moved options around
- No more books of lore, they are now
Cloaks of Mimicry (and can be ego items
or randart)
- Monsters that can suicide cannot be random quest monsters
Alchemist artifact creation totally changed. It now takes player level
essences of magic and 1 hp to "imbue" a normal non-artifact, non-ego item
into a pseudo artifact.
You will then wield/wear it and it'll gain some xp when you do
(reducing the amount you gain)
When you think you have enough xp, you finalize it (actually select the
flags that now cost xp) with the xp it has and the pval you choose.
- Did more spelling updates on this file -- Improv :)
- Finished moving the class-race combos in tables.c to a cleaner
format -- Improv

- Copied Vanilla random artifacts name generator
- Random ring & amulets are now "The Ring of foo"
- Lights can be random artifacts
- Described all Valarin spells
- All non spellbook spells (Mindcrafters, necromancers, mimics) got a
- All harper songs described
DragonRiders will learn to fly at level 17 (but they always can levitate),
that's an old Divia suggestion
- Magestaves of Spell still carry 2 spells, but they are randomly generated
using the runespell (magic of the Runecrafters) system
- First draft of monsters gaining xp & levels
- Magestaff of Mana & Power renamed to Magestaff of Wizardry (suggested by JLE)

- Beginning work on unifying the load/save code to make
maintenance easier -- Improv
load2.c and save.c are now one file, loadsave.c ... Will now be working on
moving them to using unified functions so this code will be easier to
maintain. -- Improv
Reworked monster AI. A monster can now be enemy, neutral(oriented toward
player or monster or full neutral), friendly, pet or companion(will follow
you on other levels)
- Pets (and other friends) will be less stupid

- You can now assign a target to a pet
- The Phial will now have a similar effect to song of morning (tribal)
- The number of companions killed is taken into account in the score
- New quest at Lothlorien, the poisoned water, with an unique reward,
a DSM of elvenkind (cannot be generated under normal circumstances)
- Renamed Nibelungs to Petty Dwarves
- New curse, you cannot drop the item

- Multiple messages will show up as only one message with a multiplier
- New Minas Anor layout (MUCH BIGGER) by Mynstral
- Fixed the princess not appearing (she WAS there but got killed)

- Fixed Mormegil (it was possible to use it with magic)
Companions stay even if you use the overview wilderness mode
- Some monsters will tease the player but always stay out of melee range
- A new pet command to make them forget their target
- New ego type for heavy armors (Dwarven) with + to STR and maybe CON
- Ammo & diggers doesn't add the tohit/todam to your total
- Herbal healing at Gondolin will cure black breath
- New store type: Master Archer
- Rings can be ego objects now
- Scrolls can be ego now (Fireproof)
- Wands & Staffs (except of wishing) can be ego item: of Plenty

- Possessor now have mana (based on INT) and use it to cast the spells of the
monster they are using

Deathmolds can now use the overview wilderness map but the travel time is
higher and there is a chance to not blink right and move onto an undesired
- Changed Summon Cyberdemon to
Summon High Demon (with the incoming new JLE
demons it'll be nasty)
- Added
Possessor monsters, they'll hunt corpses and incarnate into them !!
Now you must fear even dead monsters
- The Phial of Undeath now has a radius of 5
- Unique monsters list is now sorted (but Morgoth is always at the bottom)
Add monster traps from PsiAngband. Rogues can now set them (with the powers
menu, 'U' key)
Direct quote from Psiband change file:
Rogues can set traps for monsters. This requires a "trapping kit" as a trigger
and something to "load" the trap with.
All scrolls, potions, wands, staffs and rods can be used (with the appropriate
trigger) as traps to confuse, poison, teleport, genocide, ... unwary monsters.
But standing next to a trap with area effects will hurt the player, too.
There are also traps that shoot ammo: hidden catapults, bows and xbows.

Some monsters can disarm traps, and a monster that has disarmed one of your
traps will learn how to disarm all of them...

Ammo Traps can have (+hit,+dam) just like bows. They can also be enchanted.
All traps can have a [+AC] showing how hard it is to disarm it.
There are also ego and artifact traps.
- Add the ego & artifacts trap kits from PsiAngband

Hallucination monster attack (JLE will use it for the review of r_info)
- You can use up to 5 R_CHAR_x flags in the F: line or re_info.txt to specify
races to which the ego powers are available
- Crusade realm described
- The Star of Elendil now has a light radius of 4

- The dungeon info file (d_info) now allows more than one monster generation
rule. The R: line specifies the percent of monsters affected by the rule
and the mode of the rule(AND, NAND, OR, NOR). So it is now possible to
have 60% of orcs, 30% of trolls and 10% dragons
- New dungeon in Mirkwood,
Dol Guldur !
- Sorcerors cannot use Valarin (prayers should not be available to mages) and
Tribal (instead they get Spirit)
- Fixed some misspellings in lib/help/ -- Kusunose

- Auto pickup option now defaults to false
- Fixed bugs with the cursed ego items
- Described the remaining Magery spells

- Point based character generation

- Finish cmovie support !
Added an interface to cmovie (press | key in both normal or roguelike set)
It asks for a name (it will add the extension itself) and then if you wish
to play or record it.
The cmovie files (.cmv) are located in lib/cmov, note that they quickly
become huge and so you REALLY should compress them before sending to friends
- Fixed a bug that prevented mutations from being correctly cleaned

- Special artifacts can be placed anywhere in a_info, they just need the
- Emptying lite warnings should work now
- Added new quest, not found in a castle.. I won't say anything more :)

- Added 2 new dungeon flags:
LIFE_LEVEL will generate levels with a cellular automaton algorithm (looks
like a game of life)
EVOLVE will make a LIFE_LEVEL be continuously parsed by the cellular
automaton algorithm while the player moves, resulting in a living effect
- New dungeon:
The Heart of the Earth, branching on level 25 of Mirkwood
it uses the evolving algorithm :)
- Added the new
Minas Anor (one map screen total). Fully functional
(except for the random terrain via the plasma generator *hint,
hint -> DG*) --Mynstral
- Moved the rarity of the Phial of Undeath to the one of Galadriel
- Add
Death Orb monster as suggested by Prfnoff a long time ago.
They only move when in LOS. They multiply (quickly) and can hit to parasite
which will make a new death orb spawns out of you later
- Fixed a bug in cmovie that messed up the recording when the user specified
different char than the normal ones
Loadsave work is now pretty much complete. Barring the addition of
transparent compression, which might happen later, there shouldn't be any
reason why savefile compatibility should ever break again. -- Improv

- Several bugfixes -- Kusunose
Player's symbol was never displayed if VARIABLE_PLAYER_GRAPH or
USE_GRAPHICS was #undef'ed
Eating a corpse sometimes crashed the game.
Stealing from a monster sometimes crashed the game.
Nether immunity won't work if player had nether resistance.
and some minor bugfixes.
Birth classes selection is now more user friendly

- D: line enabled in k_info.txt
Added ingame information about the different objects kind one can find
It is accessed via the observe key ('I' in original keyset)

- Add back the Eol quest at Gondolin, but it's now dynamically created
(the level layout and trap places are random)

- Reimplemented Nirnaeth Arnoediad quest at Gondolin, but with a different
- Add a spoiler menu to the help menu, thanks to Dawnmist
- Fixed a bug; Steal Item Trap sometimes crashed the game. -- Kusunose
- Working on rewriting more documents in lib/help/ -- Improv

- Fixed a long-lived bug with power mages. This greatly affects play-balance
with them -- no longer will the cost of many of their high level spells
be merely 1 mana. Also, removed some of their effects that never really
worked anyhow. -- Improv

- Some more misspellings on this file are fixed. -- Kusunose

- Cannot add essences to artifacts
- Object descriptions are added in the character dump
- Notes are saved in lib/note
- Priests and paladins begins with 10 times more grace with their god

- Rods with rod tips attached sells for higher price
- Down shafts cannot get you out of a dungeon
- Cannot enter water and such in overview mode when too burdened
- The no_pickup_corpse option changed to prompt_pickup_heavy which will ask
a confirmation before picking up objects that might slow you
- Add an menu to the option screen to dump/load options to a pref file
- Fixed a bug with dungeon guardians being generated more than once

- Unique list is now in 2 columns
- Race selection screen made more user friendly with race desc

Reworked the spell system
Now each spell got a level that you increase as you learn it more and more.
The higher the spell level is the more damage it does, the more time it
lasts and such.
Also each class have a specific max on the number of levels they can achieve
in each spells. This should help the high mage class since they get twice the
max level of mages. Also illusionists gets more than mages.
Also note that sometimes one more level wont change anything while 2 or 3
more WILL change. And lastly some spells are not affected by levels at all
One last thing, sorcerors cannot learn spells and thus cannot increase their
spell level which will always be 1
- Player races now have inherent body parts, so a deathmold cannot use
headgear or boots but can wear more rings
- New DarkGod sentences by Static Chaos
- Fortune cookie by SC

- The more you known a spell the faster it is to cast
- Every class can now choose which spell/prayer to learn
- Began reworking the spell bonuses(from spell levels or mage staves) to a much
smoother distribution, so if a point if used it WILL have impact. Done the
Valarin Realm
- Done Magery Realm
- Done Symbiotic Realm
- Done Music Realm
- Done Shadow Realm


- Done Chaos Realm
Ingame contextual help(on by default, can be turned off in the options)
Only few stuff got help right now, but that'll be extended

- Spell list with levels included in the character dump
Updated docs thanks to Dawnmist

Hypertext help system, use up/down/space/- to scroll, left/right to move
between links and enter to activate a link
- Race mods selection screen upgraded
- The k_info artifacts will have a name again(was a stupid bug)
- Done Nether Realm
Unified savefile loading screen. Now when the game is started it presents
a screen allowing to create new characters or to load/destroy existing ones

- No more breeders in poisoned quest
- Add an option to show exp needed for next level instead of total exp
- Objects with the temporary flag will be destroyed when it's timeout
becomes 0, allowing spells to summon fiery blades and such
- Valarin Realm got a spell to create a temporary Holy Avenger

- Created a cygwin makefile (makefile.cyg) for Windows -- Dawnmist
- Split spoiler help files into true spoilers and newbie help files -- Dawnmist
- Continued minor edits of help files. -- Dawnmist
Possessors reworked again
Now they get between 1 and 20 mana based on the spell rate of the monster.
When you cast a spell the failure rate is determined based on the player
level, player wisdom, monster level and spell difficulty. If the spell
fails it is still cast but you lose a few mana. If it succeeds you don't
lose mana. If it takes you below 0 mana you are forced to leave your corpse.
- Done Spirit Realm
- Done Tribal Realm

- fixed a bug in project_meteor() that crashed the game. -- Kusunose
- Updated option.txt for exp_need option. -- Dawnmist.
- Continued edits on help files. -- Dawnmist.
- Done Crusade Realm
- Rewrote bldg.txt for Pern 4.x.x. -- Dawnmist.

- Redone help file colour scheme to allow orange/yellow hyperlinks -- Dawnmist.
- Continued edits on help files -- Dawnmist.
- Spell checked tables.c -- Dawnmist.
- Spell checked this file :-) -- Dawnmist.
- Updated features and objects in dungeon.txt help file. -- Dawnmist.
JLE reworked the monster list, some monsters are gone, some monsters are
changed and some are new
- Along with r_info JLE also modified d_info, big thanks to him
- No more quest for shelob in mirkwood(she guards cirith ungol now)
Instead you must hunt the necromancer that is said to lurk in dol guldur
As long as sauron his alive the nazguls cannot be permanently slain
- Attacking a nazgul no longer destroy artifacts(well it can, but the chance
is 1 in 1000)
- Done Daemon and Sigaldry realms

- SURPRISE!! I did something (but what it was is a surprise too) -- Mynstral
- Added debug 'B' command, changes body -- Improv
- Added colours and hyperlinks throughout command.txt -- Dawnmist
- Updated most command descriptions in command.txt -- Dawnmist
- Minor updates to some other help files -- Dawnmist

- Massive merges from my internal cvs tree of loadsave.c
Hooked experimental bzlib integration in an #ifdef
Gutted the old 'encryption' code
Hoping to gut RLE if bzlib changes work out
Added nice sentinel function -- Improv
- Fixed class selection screen bugs, fixed savefile manager so it will work
with unix. -- Improv

- Added a quest map for Gondolin. -- Mynstral
- Gondolon last quest: Invasion of Gondolin !
- Upgraded max suport to the new birth interface thanks to pelpel
- Several fixes thanks to pelpel
- Add an option to use either the new r_info coloring scheme(based on V one)
or the old one(based on Z)

- Fixed a lock problem with global.svg on multiuser system thanks to pelpel
- Done Magic Realm
- Done Druidisic Realm

- One can press 4 (left arrow) in class selection to get back to meta-class

Updated several *_info files thanks to JLE, new arts, ego, objects, ego
- Fixed a bug in ego monsters, now they works perfectly :)

- Done Illusion Realm
- Added macrofaq.txt to help system -- Dawnmist.
- Updated/fixed a few problems in the help files, and linked in new macro FAQ -- Dawnmist.
- Increased chance for player ghost to appear
- No more ego monsters in town
- Spectre subrace can only use 1 ring
- Made bree and gondolin finally use the plasma generator, and added two terrain
features. -- Mynstral


- Fixed a bug with ego monster generation that inversed ego rarities, thus
explaining the incredible numbre of spectres running around

- Fixed the orc level in the moria
- Bladeturner is now an UNTIMATE artifact, but can be activated for invulnerability
- Major rewrite of magic and class help files -- Dawnmist.
- Fixed a bug with saving/loading while doing invasion of ogondolin quest

- Fixed Tribal realm
- Major rewrite of race modifier help files -- Dawnmist.
- Spellchecked this file - Improv
- Reintroduced water hounds - Improv
- Major rewrite of race help files -- Dawnmist
- Graphics for shop doors -- Kusunose
- With help of Antimatter, squashed item bugs related to negative pvals and
the signedness of some functions. -- Improv
- Done Prayer Realm

- Fixed a bug with evolving dungeon when saved/loaded
- Only the quest monsters counts for quest, not clones, not normaly generated
- undead ego monsters cannot be mortal
- Monster ego name can appear before or after the monster name(:B or :A at the
end of the W: line)
- Object ego name can appear before or after the object name(B or A on the X:
- Fixed a long-lived item-pickup bug -- Improv


- Ego monsters will be drawn in gfx mode
- Add a birth menu to select the god to worship, druids are forced to get
Yavanna, priests and paladins are forced to have a god, others can choose
to be atheist
- No more multiple artifact arrows
- Continued edits on the help files -- Dawnmist
- Completed the spell descriptions for the Shadow Realm -- Dawnmist
- Vampiric weapons can be sold again
- Staff & Wand of nothing of plenty cannot exist
- Staff of wishing CAN be of plenty

- fixed a bug with esp and flags5 not being saved thanks to kevin w.thomas
- fixed a bug in nirnaeth quest
- Reduced sorceror hp penality to -10%
- Removed the screen coloration when berserk/wraith/goi

- Fixed invasion of gondolin quest
- Fixed lightning res amu
- Add the
Merchant class(thanks static chaos), they can get loans(watch out if
you dont pay back quickly) and request items at the merchant guild.
they can appraise items, identify items, warp items in chests. They get
an object based ESP(see monsters carrying objects) at higher levels, they
constantly detect objects around them and they can use portable holes
to get a bigger inventory(but items in it weights more)

- Fixed font-ibm thanks to pelpel
- Merchants gets the midas touch
Vanilla town option removed. Astral mode now make the player start in the
Halls of Mandos(levels 1-98) which do not have any entrance from the
wilderness(or any dungeons). When they get out they are in the wilderness
and can start playing normaly. And uniques cannot be generated in the halls
of mandos

- Updated font-ibm and font-win thanks to pelpel
- When selecting the number of random quests, * will get a random number
- Score list now shows the subrace, but it breaks the compatibility with old
- Reduced xp needed by monsters to gain levels
- Ego items are wishable now. i.e you can ask for "fiery dagger"
- Updated font-ibm and font-win thanks to pelpel

- Added the map for a new quest. -- Mynstral
- Finished the Last Alliance quest
- Number of companion a player can have at max depends of the class
necro gets 1 + (plev / 10), beastmasters 4 + (plev / 10, harpers 5
all others 2

- Fixed ambushes
- Added merchant help
- updated mac suport thanks to pelpel
- Reduced by about 6mb the memory req
Hidden towns are generable
- Fixed a bug with weapon specialty at birth -- Kusunose
- New item ability, some rare rings can add %(based on pval) to the chance
of getting a critical hit
Objects can now shimmer(ATTR_MULTI), but only base types (k_info) can have
the flag
Features can now shimmer, note that this can be slow. Please report if it
is unbearable on your machine(you can also disabled the avoid_other option)
- Reduced memory footprint again
Reworked the 'U' power menu to be more nicer and intuitive while still
allowing macros. Each powers gets a fixed number that can be used as a
prefix to the command to bypass the menu. For example teleport is 5 so
to directly get teleport one can always do 05U

- Described Chaos realm
- Described Nether realm
- Described Sigaldry realm
- described Spirit realm
- Fixed a bug with random quests
- Fixed a bug in note taking, thanks to pelpel
- Fixed the interact with visuals menu thanks to pelpel(the fix is not even
in vanilla yet :)
- Fixed cmovie recording
- Merchants can request ego items(same interface as wishes)
- Towns in dungeons now get townpeople in it ... leveled townpeople
- Eggs are now , instead of o

17/08/2001 - PernAngband 5.0.0 aka "Mirmidonic Carbonizer"
- Birth options now appear in the normal option screen, but as read only

- Special levels reworked
- Volcano is now Mount Doom and is found on level 65 of Mordor
- fixed help system crash thanks to pelpel

- fixed the hypnotic gaze bug
- reduced between gates damage
- daemon books can be enchanted

- Beginning work on a new, better status screen. For now, it's assigned
to the debugging menu as the 'A' command. -- Improv
- fatespoil.txt changed to fatespoi.txt
- rogues get some shots for their trapkit at birth
- Cannot dismiss the princess anymore

- Fixed the special levels, thanks to mynstral
- Described Daemon realm

23/08/2001 - PernAngband 5.0.0b aka "Mirmidonic Carbonizer II"
Default pref files are in lib/pref
- Random quests are disabled when using ironman_room
- Add
auto_more option -- beware it can be very dangerous

- Increased general store price limit
- Trapkits added to squelch list
- Fixed a bug when displaying some k_info artifacts
- Wand of Gandalf and Thrain are now k_info artifacts
- Fixed 2 bugs with rogue traps

- Necromancers can turn pets into companions

- Special levels are no more fully known
- Fixed fountain bug; shape of XXX did not take effect -- Kusunose
- Described Illusion and Tribal realm spells -- Dawnmist.

- Fixed bug with scrollable list of powers
- Added Magical diggers, they grant stone to mud power
- Added the
Corrupted subrace gaining corruptions as they level thanks to
Luc French
- Changed mutations to corruptions
- Dragonriders are no more considered evil

- Fixed some cmovie bugs
- Fixed *godness* song on non artifacts
- Greatly increased herbal healing price in gondolin, since it cures black
- Fixed bug with store item creation -- Kusunose

- Totaly rewrote the random artifact system. It now use an external ra_info
file to define what power the artifact will get. The format is very similar
to e_info(expect it doesnt include the 5 flags sets). Each entry define for
which tval/sval it can be applied. Then when the game wants to create a
randart it simply defines a number of powers to grab and randomly pick up
the powers from ra_info(following the restriction, rarity and levels).
This allow a totaly change of the randarts if needed, an easy addition of
new powers, ...

(This is disabled for 5.0.1 since ra_info is not yet wrote)

Hidden doors are now hidden, in mirkwood they will look like trees, in
barrow downs they will be mountains or trees, and so on
- Beastmasters can turn a pet into a companion

- Half elf lost the str penality
- Half orcs and half Trolls or now Orcs and Trolls
- Saved levels are deleted when a new character is created
- Renamed Holy Advangers to weapons of
Aman, thanks to Timo Pietila for the
- Cannot reset recall to Mount Doom
- The game time is now counted with the
elven calendar (reckoning of Imladris)
(It isnt PERFECT, every 12 years it should have years or 368 days, but I
dont think many will get upset :)
A year is 365 days, with 6 months (Tuile, Laire, Yavie, Quelle, Hrive and
Coire), 3 middle days(Enderi) and one starting(Yestare) and one ending
(Mettare) day.
The game begins the 43rd Yavie the year 2890 of the third age, note that it
is the birthday of Bilbo :)
- Note files (mainly) use the elven calendar to record things

- Fixed several bugs (runespell deletion, ego wand and staff stacking etc)
thanks to oops -- Kusunose

- Changed the 'Lev xxx' thing to a 3 letter name corresponding to the current
place(dungeon, orc cave, ..)
- Enabled f_info D: line with an index(0 is general desc, 1 is to (forbid)
- Changed the way total weight is calculed thanks to Kieron Dunbar
- One can edit his background history at birth :)
- Lich ego monsters can use the base monster powers
- Raise death can bring a lich

- Enabled E: line in f_info(same format as d_info)
- F: lines enabled in lib/dngn files, they specify flags for the level
- Fixed a bug with special level generation
- Add bleeding and poisoning monster effects from EyAngband
- The One Ring quest

- Fixed the crashing bug after level 100 in angband
- Gave Sauron 30% chances to drop The One if it is not already created
- Code now allows bi-ego objects, thought they are impossible to generate yet.
It will allow additing weapon/armors qulities(crude, broken, ..) easily
- Add a
quick start option that let you use the same char as you previous one.
Everything is the same execpt life rating

- Abort menu in the Windows version is now compile option, Disabled by
default. -- Kusunose

- When a
new day comes the game tells the player(at midnight)
- Drain hp and mana are cumulative
- Fixed file existence function for dumb systems :)

07/09/2001 - PernAngband 5.0.1 aka "Brunswik Disipator"